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Join us in a discussion on the importance of studying food and what it says about us. Panelists include: Celebrity chef Monica Pope; Carl Rosa documentary filmmaker and director of the up-coming ramen-focused film, Spilled; David Leftwich editor of Sugar & Rice magazine; Benjy Mason chef of Down House; John Harvey, Director of the Center for Creative Work at the University of Houston; Todd Romero, Co-Director of the Gulf Coast Food Project at the University of Houston; Humanities Texas; Lisa Fruchtman, director of Sweet Dreams; and Monica Perales, Associate Professors of History.  This panel will focus on the interdisciplinary study of food and why it is such an important area of discussion, paying attention to how the collaboration among disciplines allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities that exist among people, food, culture, and history.

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: KPFT, University of Houston, Humanties Texas, Whole Foods, Gulf Coast, Urban Harvest, Plant-It-Forward, The Nice Winery, Saint Arnolds Brewing Company, Houston Dairymaids, Fat Cat Creamery and Recipe for Success Foundation.  SPECIAL THANKS TO: Temple Northup, Duane Bradley, Tyler Horne, Monica Pope and the 14 Pews Board Members!