Our Sponsor!

Our Sponsor!

(1980, Dir. Les Blank, USA, 51 minutes) 

The SF Chronicle called this paean to garlic “a joyous, nose-tweaking, ear-tingling, mouth-watering tribute to a Life Force.” Nothing less than a hymn to the stinking rose of the kitchen, this lovingly photographed documentary is an odyssey of garlic feasts alternated with uniquely individual interviews of garlic afficionados. Not only does the film promote garlic as our first line of defense against all forms of blandness; it also titillates the taste buds with shots of garlic dishes sizzling in their pans. Les Blank shows again that he knows how to have a good time and share it on film – especially if it involves food!

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: KPFT, University of Houston, Humanties Texas, Whole Foods, Gulf Coast, Urban Harvest, Plant-It-Forward, The Nice Winery, Saint Arnolds Brewing Company, Houston Dairymaids, Fat Cat Creamery and Recipe for Success Foundation.  SPECIAL THANKS TO: Temple Northup, Duane Bradley, Tyler Horne, Monica Pope and the 14 Pews Board Members!